
Sunday, August 23, 2009

State Park

Kenn and Lisa are going to be doing a photo shoot next month at Patapsco State Park, so all of us decided to go stake it out to see where they would need to go.
We had a good adventure although it felt like we were in a rain forest!

Brandon hiking up the trail!

We first went on a bridge which was over the River, the bridge was moving and made me pretty nervous with brandon b/c it clearly wasn't made for children. (i was prob. squeezing his hand pretty tight). Then we climbed up to the train tracks where the kids were hopping on the rails...

Holding hands! (Ok it was for 5 seconds)

Then we hiked up another path and got to a waterfall!

(you forget MD has scenes this pretty)

Daddy on top of the waterfall.. So of course then WE had to hike the waterfall.

Brandon actually did climb the waterfall by himself. He did a great job! Although he did have me carry him for parts of the trail hike up. We had a great time and I think we'll be going back a lot more frequently! I hadn't been to this park since i was a kid when we had all of our family reunions there. This was kenns and Brandon's first trip here.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday's!

We had two 1st birthday's this week!

Tuesday was Granny (kenns mat. grandmother) 81st birthday so we went out to eat on Sunday with them, she's still so happy and spirited, we love being with her...
And tomorrow (Friday) is my GodSon/nephew Connors 1st Birthday!

That year just seemed to fly by, so much has changed!
Unfortunately one of those things being that my cousin & his family moved to Alabama...
(Its deff a great thing for them, I'm just being selfish)

So two weeks ago we were lucky enough to be able to attend one of Connor's two Birthday parties!

Brandon and Connor had a blast playing video games at the pizza party!

Connor did not really like his cake...

We love you so much Connor Happy Birthday Tomorrow!

(Holding my GodSon the day after he was born)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer Carnival!

Last Friday night Kenn, B and I went to the Carnival with Juli and Lisa & Emma. We had a lot of fun! Brandon was up extra late!
First B asked to go onto the Cars. Emma was not so excited to do that, so we put b in them... totally fine. Sat there for a minute or two, by the time the guy started the ride b realized "wait I'm alone" just as the ride started he began to cry. Not hard but just enough to say "I'm a little afraid and I don't think i like this".

This is brandon right before it started. So he went around a couple times on it looking at us not very happy. Then as soon as the ride was done and he got off he said "Fun!". We don't pretend to understand a 2yr old's mind...Kenn is entertaining the kids while lisa got some food.


So then the kids played some games and B decided he wanted to go on the OTHER set of cars. This time he got in a fire truck with some other kids. Ride took off so far so good. then once again he looked at us on the side and started to lightly cry again. Once off same thing "fun!" And the first thing he says when you ask about the carnival is the cars.

We played some more games, and brandon won himself an inflatable guitar. (which he is playing in this picture)

Both kids with there winnings!

Juli and Daddy each winning goldfish. One Goldfish

Two Goldfish!

Daddy won B two goldfish, and we didnt have a place to hold them while we walked so we asked a vendor for a plastic bag and he gave me a hotdog roll bag. So Kenn informally named them "hotdog" and "bun".

One week later they are both doing fine in our fish tank at home.

We got yummy fried dough and fried oreo cookies, Brandon went on the Carousel

Emma hugging Brandon while in line for the next ride

I think they were having fun together

Daddy and B on the helicopter ride (which went up in the air). He had a blast so...

Mommy and B on the helicopter ride!

We had a great time!

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