I just wanted to send a late "Happy Thanksgiving" message to everyone!
We are very thankful for all of our Family & Friends and our beautiful house and jobs.
(I'm not going to even go there on here)
2010 has flown by even faster then last year.
Yesterday we ate at Nan & Pop's with Aunt Teresa (birthday lady!) and Uncle Tim & Olivia.
Then went immediately to Granmom's & GrandRuss's with Uncle James and MomMom.
After we watched the Polar Express and I even made my first Black Friday shopping experience.
I went to ToysRus with a friend at 10pm and after 2hrs in line shopped for a handful
of random things. Prob the first and last time doing that.
Today we had an encore Thanksgiving at GrandPa's & MomMoms, and put up all of our Christmas decorations outside (thanks to Kenn) and inside (thanks to B and me)
We started when brandon went down for his nap, when he awoke he said
"Oh my gosh, the house looks BEAUTIFUL Mommy!"
He is truly the thing we are most Thankful for.
Ps. We also ordered our Christmas Cards today :)