
Friday, August 31, 2012

A month of Sleep

As I was going through Lily's 1st month pictures, I noticed a trend...

At one month Lily was sleeping with no particular schedule during the day...
at night she would go down around 9pm and wake up sometime between 2am and 4am,
eat, go back to sleep and wake up around 5/6am.
We are so blessed to have another "Baby Brandon" in the sleeping area.
She actually does better then he did at this age!

Lily's 1st month

Although the beginning of my maternity leave I was very nervous about having to spend the next 6 weeks alone, stuck in the house, it has gone by really fast. (i was also very hormonal then)

At Lily's one month check up she was 21 1/2 inches long (so as long as brandon was at birth) and weighed 8.3lbs. She is sleeping practically through the night! she goes down around 9pm and wakes up around 2 or 3 am and then an hour or so later goes back down and wakes up around 5 or 6 am. We were shocked at how quickly she started this, but clearly very happy! naps during the day are still not really on a sched. and nursing on demand. Dr told us to start giving her a bottle a day, and Every other day make it formula so that way she was ready for daycare. I admit I teared up when she took her first formula bottle... She had 1 shot, but was already crying so it didn't matter much
(easy for me to say)
At one month she was just getting out of NB clothing and was still in NB diapers.
Here are some pictures of July 2012!
Nan getting to hold Lily for the first time
 Our first walks around the neighborhood
 Me trying to accomplish cooking dinner with a newborn.
 Brandon has been a great big brother.
he helps fetch things for her and has a lot of patience for mom and dad
He does not like her crying. Below he is holding her pacifier in so she doesn't cry

 she did not want to be in the picture,
He really didn't want to hold her either...
 Brandon got Fifths disease (hence the red cheeks)
 My one month pictures of her
(she was smiling and talking to the side of her crib... wouldn't look at me)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Carnival 2012

Teresa and I took Brandon and Olivia to the yearly Carnival.
Kenn stayed home with Lily for the first time and gave her the first bottle!
The kids got on all of the kids rides available which I think was 10.
Brandon didnt want to go home, he wanted to play more but as soon as we were home,
bathed and in our PJ's watching the Orioles he was out!

Lily's Room

Lilys birth

July 3rd - kenn and I dropped Brandon off at school in the morning on our way to the hospital, i had a hard time sleeping the night before due to heartburn. Oh the joys of pregnancy. Brandon had pottery painting and swim class that day so he decided it was more important to be at school, and that seeing his new sister can wait. (he would be coming to the hospital around 3pm.)

my last picture pregnant EVER
 you are lucky i allowed this one to be taken... yuck.
 We checked in at 8:30 am and I got hooked up to the machines, our neighbor who is a nurse who works in that ward came over to say hi and then we went back for surgery around 10:30am.
 I had to get stuck in the back a few times for the numbing agent, but that was the last of the pain for the day. All the drs were great! They put up a mirror so at the time of birth we could see them lift her out. ( we didn't see anything gross so kenn was fine) after birth they took lily off to the side kenn got to cut the cord, and they brought her over after she was cleaned up.

 Kenn and lily then went to get her formal check up while they sewed me up.
 Our neighbor came by again And took pics of the proud daddy while they waited for me in recovery.
 I joined them in the recovery room and then they took us up to my final hospital room. The we got to see the family visitors. Grand mom and grandruss, grand pop, mom mom, Nan, Aunt Gail and Brandon, and aunt Teresa. I surprisingly felt pretty good! Completely different then last time...

 Lily's First bath!

 Brandon got to hold her and was just as excited about being a big brother as he was about his new doctors kit that he got as the big brother gift. His school class even made cards for lily, that he brought with them. It was so thoughtful!

 Brandon went home with grandmom and grandruss that night and my mom brought him back to visit on the 4th. I got up with the nurses at 11pm on the 3rd and was shocked at how painless it was to walk around. Lily was also nursing well, although I don't think sleeping much.

On The Fourth of July we were visited by Mike, Mary and Maddie, along with Aunt Teresa and Olivia, Julia and Andy, Sharon and Carl and Deanna. I wasnt allowed to eat the day before so my first real meal was fried mac N cheese and cheesecake from the cheesecake factory that kenn was nice enough to pick up for me :)

 Brandon and Kenn went out that night with Teresa and Olivia go to go GrandPops/MomMoms boat to watch the Fireworks in Annapolis harbor. I heard the kids had the best time! I was so glad they got to do something special. Lily and I spent our first ladies night at the hospital together. It was a little hard to sleep, but we made it through.

The next day Thursday the 5th of July Kenn took Brandon to school late and came and picked us up and we were home!

It occured to me today that there is only one picture of me holding Lily in the hospital and it was just the side of my head. We also still have not had a picture of the 4 of us taken. no one thought about it i guess at the hospital and once again didnt hit me until about a week or so ago...

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