Lily is now 8 months old!
Whoo this is going by faster and faster!
She does not have a Drs appt so I do not know how long or heavy she is.
I do know she is bursting out of her 9mos PJs in length...
She is also now CRAWLING!
She was doing her unconventional army crawl/rolling/pivoting thing.
Now she officially started crawling up on all fours backwards and forwards.
She also has her 2 upper teeth half way in.
we went to dinner for Brandon's Birthday and she grabbed a french fry and shoved it in her mouth.
So i decided to give her some real food this past week also.
She loves the puffs! she tries to put them in herself but they stick to your fingers so its been hard.
She is happy for me to feed them to her though :)
She also says "dadada" frequently now
(stealing a pet from holden)
both dogs are really good with her
i had brandon watch lily for a minute when i came back they were playing together
I also decided to make Lily a quilt since I had made brandon one.
I looked up patterns online and this is what I came up with!
It is by no means perfect, but i'm really proud of it