Lily had her 15month Dr appt last thurs a month late...
On 11/14 she was
32" tall (79%)
23.8lb (73%) and in size 24mos
Head cir 48.5" (97%)
32" tall (79%)
23.8lb (73%) and in size 24mos
Head cir 48.5" (97%)
She can now identify when you ask her: head, ears, nose, tummy, feet.
When looking at her books or in person she can identify: cat, dog, flower, socks, shoes, sun, moon, fish, lion, bird, sheep, duck, bear.
In the bath she can locate the toy fish, ducks, turtle and octopus.
(Which she also can almost say clearly)
She will also make the animal noises to: sheep, cow, lion
Her current favorite book is Goodnight Gorilla and she points out the ball, moon and roar for the lion. She will also say "good night" and "uh oh" at the eyes
She is a little parrot and will try to repeat just about anything.
She says up for up. And up for down. Or since yesterday "updown"
She also says "no" when she means yes or no
We hear no a lot...
She loves music and dancing. She loves to sing baby beluga and old McDonald.
She tries to use a spoon to feed herself, although she may use her hand to put the food on the spoon.
She also loves to turn on and off the light switch and say nite nite when she's ready for bed.
And she sleeps EVERY night with her bear and will ask for him.
Lily also has her first favorite character!
She has never had any interest in tv and will not watch it even when Brandon has it on.
At school she's been exposed to books and music with Elmo and so I thought after the Halloween event lets try Sesame Street. Well it was a big hit! She got sooo excited and kept saying Elmo.
She watched a good 3 mins of tv! We kept it on and every once and a while she'd hear his voice and run over to watch for another minute. It's pretty adorable to see how excited she gets with him,
I think we know what to ask Santa for!