
Monday, November 18, 2013

Lily 16month update

Lily had her 15month Dr appt last thurs a month late... 
On 11/14 she was
 32" tall (79%)
23.8lb (73%) and in size 24mos
Head cir 48.5" (97%)

She can now identify when you ask her: head, ears, nose, tummy, feet.
 When looking at her books or in person  she can identify: cat, dog, flower, socks, shoes, sun, moon, fish, lion, bird, sheep, duck, bear. 
In the bath she can locate the toy fish, ducks, turtle and octopus.
 (Which she also can almost say clearly)
She will also make the animal noises to: sheep, cow, lion
Her current favorite book is Goodnight Gorilla and she points out the ball, moon and roar for the lion. She will also say "good night" and "uh oh" at the eyes

She is a little parrot and will try to repeat just about anything.
She says up for up. And up for down. Or since yesterday "updown"
She also says "no" when she means yes or no
We hear no a lot...
She loves music and dancing. She loves to sing baby beluga and old McDonald.

She tries to use a spoon to feed herself, although she may use her hand to put the food on the spoon.
She also loves to turn on and off the light switch and say nite nite when she's ready for bed.
And she sleeps EVERY night with her bear and will ask for him. 

Lily also has her first favorite character!
She has never had any interest in tv and will not watch it even when Brandon has it on.
At school she's been exposed to books and music with Elmo and so I thought after the Halloween event lets try Sesame Street. Well it was a big hit! She got sooo excited and kept saying Elmo.
She watched a good 3 mins of tv! We kept it on and every once and a while she'd hear his voice and run over to watch for another minute. It's pretty adorable to see how excited she gets with him,
I think we know what to ask Santa for!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Extravaganza!

Yesterday we had a busy Halloween!
Brandon was SUPER excited for Halloween this year.
he woke up 2 nights before asking at 4am if it was Thursday yet...
So safe to say he was a little excited today. 

First I got to assist in Brandon's Halloween Party
(I am a room parent) 

Then they had their school parade

 Back to class for crafts and party food!

 After Brandon and I stopped for Slurpee's (because we did not have enough sugar) 
Then off to daycare! I dropped Brandon off with his class and went to sneak a peak at Lily's.
Unfortunately she saw me and started to cry so the teachers told me to stay. 
Once the kids were in their outfit lily was HIGHLY interested in the kid dressed as Elmo.
She kept saying "Elmo" and touching his head/eyes. 

After her class got in line for the daycare parade she was distracted enough for me to sneak off. 

 Lily's Parade

She saw me so she started to break rank
 She tried to break free of the rope chain 
(they really hold on to each loop so they stay in a line) 
She's not really following directions...
 Back to following orders
 Brandon in his second parade

After a slightly chaotic ride home getting pizza we got ready to go out!
Lily wearing brandon's mask while saying "Hat"

 Getting Ready to go!
 Our pumpkins by Kenn

 Lily throwing our candy on the ground
 Wagon Cat

 We started around 6pm, by 6:30/45 Lily was falling asleep.
We decided to just keep her in the wagon and she held on to a glow stick and a box of dots all night.
We ended around 7:30 after we hit the main neighborhood and it was beginning to drizzle.
Brandon then handed out candy for a little bit himself. 
Overall i think they both did fantastic!
(and looked adorable)

Six Flags Halloween

Our Friends were nice enough to give us some tickets to Six Flags to take the kids for the Halloween event.
I had not been to this park since it was Adventure World when I was in high school.
I was surprised how small it was and how similar it was to when I was there last.
The kids had a fantastic time, and Brandon got to go on one of the adult roller coasters. 

Picture before we head in.
Lily, Brandon, Cousins:  Olivia, Rachel and Austin

Lily's new favorite toy that she picked out from Cracker Barrel (unicorn)
 Our Black Kitten and Ninja Turtle (without mask)
 She didn't quite know what to think of Porky 

 And with Lily...

 Lily's First Ride!
 We took some pictures while the big kids were in line for rides

 A little trick or treating.
 What kid doesn't want new Greek Yogurt cereal? 

 Hay Ride

Pumpkin Patch 2013

We went to get our annual pumpkins at the same pumpkin patch,
but this year we brought Ms. Julia and Mr. Andy.
First we got lunch at everyone's favorite Cracker Barrel then headed off!
We came home with 3 beautiful pumpkins and had an awesome afternoon. 

 The Corn Maze

Lily REALLY wanted to jump with the big kids

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