
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday B!

Well yesterday was Brandon's 2nd birthday. Its funny how two years can go by so fast. He is an absolute joy to have for a son and there hasnt been a day that i mind getting up to see that face (yes, even in those first 2 months of midnight feedings i really never minded)

I made a video of the last two years of b's life :) I hope you enjoy it!

I got back from Vegas Thursday evening, I had a good time even though 80% of it was working. I got to stay at the Mandalay Bay, which was beautiful and I even got a chance to go see the Beatles "Love" by Cirque du soleil. This was the first Cirque du soleil i've ever seen and it was fantastic. I would see it again in a heartbeat. The convention went great but i'm glad to be back home.

My Hotel (picture taken from my room)

The view from my room of the strip. I tried to take one at night but it didnt really work. But the view was awesome.

The Hallway to my room (way at the end) that reminded me of the shinning every time i walked down it.

the "Beatles Bar" at the Mirage, the inside had nothing to do with the Beatles.

Pictures from the party will be up soon :)

1 comment:

C Moorhouse said...

Wow - we really enjoyed that - and the party. Happy Birthday!

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