
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bird Day

The other morning i was letting the dogs out and when i came upstairs brandon was wearing kens baseball hat, so i knew he finally was ready for his own hat. (before he refused to keep a baseball style hat on) Luckily my parents bought him one when they went to Disney a year or so ago so i pulled it out and he loved it! Here are some pictures of him in it.

Yesterday was a very sports filled day! First Kenn opened b's birthday gift from Nicole and Madison and they played baseball.

Then in the afternoon Aunt Gail had bought us tickets to the Ravens Annual Fan Fest (which this is the 2nd time b's gone to it) in addition when you bought tickets to the fan fest you got free tickets to the O's game that night. We had a great time! Aunt Gail loves to spoil us!

B and Daddy on the Ravens Field~
Kenn and Brandon have their own game at home called "tackle hugs" brandon runs after kenn

Then jumps/tackles him for a hug!

They did this for a good 1/2hr on the field

Then I stole him :)

Aunt Gail and Brandon on the field

After playing in the stadium we walked over to the other stadium... Where we took brandon to his first O's Game! They played Texas, who beat us... but that's ok we had a great time!

He spent a lot of time sitting in his own chair eating animal crackers. He also liked to get on and off of the chair since it folded up. He also enjoyed the two older boys who sat behind us and were very silly.

It rained a couple of times while we were there, just little sprinkles though. Brandon would look up and get the rain in his face and laugh. This is b reaching for the rain
(Kenn said it was brandon saying "thank you god")

This pic caught B during a laugh

We ended up leaving around 9pm, which was just about the 7th inning, he did a great job, i was so proud!!! This is us on the way out of the stadium with B's new hat and Oriole Bird. (whom brandon actually didn't really want to hold)

Well we have lots of pictures from Longwood Gardens and the DC Zoo that i'm waiting for Kenn to give me, so as soon as they're done i'll put them up!
Oh and on a side note i made my first quilt! Its for my friends baby shower next month, I can't wait to give it to her!

1 comment:

C Moorhouse said...

Love all the new pictures! He is growing up so fast! See you soon!

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