
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Go Ravens!

Brandon has become quite the little football player. Between Kenn and GrandRuss he loves to tackle people, and pretends to be tackled and roll on the floor by himself
and of course throw footballs.
Here are a couple pictures of today's Pre-game mood.

B took Daddy's hat and put it on backwards and was playing with the football,
tackling the couch and myself.

Then he started to ask me to take his shirt off...
so i thought maybe he didn't like it because it was a turtle neck.
I grabbed another shirt, and he said "no mommy, don't want it"

So i asked what shirt he wanted to wear. His response...

"Raven's shirt mommy!"

So I got his Jersey out, (which he hasn't worn in a while) and he was very happy.
He wore it the rest of the night and wouldn't take it off to sleep.

So he is now sleeping in his jersey.

He's NEVER asked to sleep in ANYTHING other then PJ's before.

I guess he's definitely living up to his "little Raven" name!

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