
Monday, February 28, 2011

B's Birthday 2011

B turned 4 a week ago today.
I know a lot of Mom's cry and get a little sad when their child hits a new milestone,
But I LOVE it!
Every new inch, year, and event Kenn and I just embrace!
B has been looking forward to his party for months
and knew he wanted it at the bowling alley for a while.
He picked out Disney Cars as his theme.
At his 4 year Dr appointment he is 41 1/4 inches and 39lbs
so he's the 75% for both.
He also drew a circle, square, plus sign and a person for their growth info.
He ended up having 4 shots and he didn't yell or kick.
Just cried a little bit, when we left I asked him what he wanted to do when we got home.
He said he wanted chocolate chip cookies, milk and to watch Beatles videos online. (youtube)
It was so cute! He was very brave!
Today is first day back at school, and he was very excited about it.

Below are the pics from his party
I got to make him Cupcake Cake Pops

and got his cake
(which he requested be in the shape of a car)
from Annette's Cakery.
He was very excited!
All the kids seemed to love it, and we only got positive feedback from the parents.

b and his best friend from school
Blowing out the candles

Making silly faces for the camera
(kenn said is from my side of the family)
all the gifts we hauled back home!

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