
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pumpkin Picking 2011

Friday Kenn and I took the afternoon to take Brandon out to get his pumpkin.
We went to a farm that we haven't been to in a few years.
Brandon LOVED it. already asking to go back.
We spent 3hrs there!

This sling shot had to be his favorite thing there.
you put in a tennis ball and sling it at the scarecrows.
I love the picture below. he figured out that if he hung onto the pole
he could pull the sling shot down easier

                                             Second favorite thing was the duck racing below.
                                         you used an old time water pump to race the duckies.
                   hay maze

 We then went out to the pumpkin patch.
Below is the series of events, he found the pumpkin he wanted.
Then had to pull it off the vine.
 then having to pick up the heavy pumpkin

I am not sure why, but not very happy for this picture.

Obstacle course (which dad and I both had to take part in, myself 3 times in a row)
 Corn maze!

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