
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lily is 6 Months!

January 3rd Lily turned 6 months old!
It's hard to believe that she's almost half way done being a baby!
In the baby store today I was looking at clothing and I thought
"oh my gosh she's in 9 months, she's almost out of baby clothing sizes!"
Its strange to think before i could get her something in almost any size and she'd have time to wear it.
Now she's too big!
She went to the Dr last week and she has gotten big!
She is 27 inches at 90%
15.07lbs in weight, up to the 50% for once!
43.5cm for her head 75%

I looked back at Brandons 6month stats and her length is only .25 shorter then him!
she is in 9 month clothing, but i doubt for long. she is also about to move up to size 3 diapers.
she drinks 5 bottles but 2 or 3 of them are 8oz now. 
She also started eating baby food!
This is the first time for me, but i have made ALL of her baby food!
I have an awesome baby blender that steams and blends the food so its pretty easy.
She started with Avocado, then Bananas. 
She eats the baby food twice a day and is getting better and better with it.

She wants to crawl SO BAD. she does the baby swim and kicks her legs out.
she "rolls with a purpose" as the Pediatrician  said. she will roll to get a toy since she can't crawl.
she makes "mamama" noises and squeals, she is VERY ticklish. 

She has a set of toys for practically each occasion. one set for the mat, one set for the blanket.
One set for the car, one for the stroller, one for the high chair. 
She has a lot of toys...

She is also very smart, a month or so ago she figured out how to turn on the little lights and sound machine inside on her crib rail. so when she doesn't want to sleep she'll roll over and hit or kick it.
She uses her legs/feet like extra arms a lot.

She also knows when its nap time and gets really upset when you take her in her room to nap.
She is tired mind you, she just is old enough to know there are better things to do then sleep.
so now she screams occasionally when its nap time. she stops after a few mins though. 

She has a few nick names that i'm not sure I've mentioned. 
Brandon calls her "lil-lil" or lily bug"
kenn calls her "gorgeous"
I call her "Lily Girl" 
(from a song called "silly girl" by the Descendents" so I will sing it to her with her name instead)
My silly girl, I'm beggin you
Don't stop being a silly girl
My silly girl, I'm in love with you

 Brandon and Lily "AAaahhing" together

 the two of them talking through her crib bars. 
Brandon now says they make plans against me and he tells her to 
"throw up or poop" so i have to change her. 

 I bought that carrot when i was preg in NYC. she LOVES it

 She still has a really advanced grip and finger strength, which is not normally mastered until 9 mos. 

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