
Monday, July 28, 2014

OBX Vacation

We went on our first week's vacation in probably 5 years.
(Which was the last time we went to the beach with my parents)
We were lucky enough to go with my parents to a rental house in OBX.
This was the first time we had ever been there and were nervous at first.
We left the house at 4AM to make sure we did not hit traffic.
We made two quick pit stops to pick up breakfast and potty and pulled into Corolla around 10:30AM
Since we were not really allowed to check in until 1pm we went for breakfast to kill some time.
I had my first chicken and Waffles. It was awesome.
We went back around 11:45 and the cleaning lady had finished so we got to go in early.
My parent arrived shortly after us.
Lily on the top deck as we got everything organized.

We ordered dinner in and kept it low key to unpack. We did make a run to the Waves store to get Brandon a hermit crab and some ice cream at Dairy Queen.

The next day we took everything and the kitchen sink to the beach. We were a street off the water and it was kind of exhausting hauling everything over the sand dunes (we greatly reduced the rest of the trip) I didn't take many beach pictures, those are all on Kenns camera.

That afternoon we went over to the Corolla Light house. It was the first one that Kenn and I had been inside. We climbed the steps with Brandon and my Mom. Lily and my father stayed down below (thank goodness, it was a million steps)

View of the bayside from the top
 View of the Ocean side from the top
 Brandon at the top. I got very nervous being up that high with him so I talked him into leaving pretty quick after being up there.

 The kids being adorable and hanging out together
 Another aspect of this house that we loved. Having our private pool.

We went out that night and at some seafood at Steamers and Brandon wanted to do the paddle boats.
Lily was NOT happy she didn't get to go
(that's why I do not have many pictures)
 She did like watching Brandon do the Go Carts though

 They would not let him drive these go Carts, but we went back the next day  (before dinner) and they allowed him to drive Jr Go Carts. (kenn took him so I do not have pictures)

We did a little shopping and Lily found a friend . Several people kept stopping us and asking us where the duck came from and how cute Lily was walking it around.

Lily is 2!

As far as Lily's stats go... She went to the Ped on 7/9 and is 34" (64%) and weighs 26lbs 9oz (49%) and head is 49cm (86%). wears size 2Ts shirts and 24 mos shorts, but I think I am about to move her up to 2Ts.

She talks like crazy, she creates full sentences and will tell you about something she did earlier in the day. (Her brother won't even do that at 7)  Lily knows all her colors and shapes. She can verbally and physically identify the shapes and put them in the sorter. She still adores books and memorizes the words. She loves music, she learns words very quickly and sings all the time. I am constantly trying to figure out what song she is singing and if its from school or home. Daycare tells us how she sings at naptime when she should be quiet. (they also tell us she sings frozen frequently) she likes me to play the "snowman song" and "let it go" every night before bed.
She just started watching TV, her favorite shows were Elmo and Barney, and are still mostly music based but slowly this month picking up new things. New Favorite shows: Laurie Berkner band Music DVD, The Heffalump (Winnie the pooh) movie, ni hao kai lan, Sophia the First, Peppa Pig, and Yo Gabba Gabba.

She is still pretty picky eater, the Dr didn't seem too worried. She did just start eating chicken nuggets and fish sticks so I feel like that's a win in the meat department. Mac N Cheese and spaghetti are still her favorite along with pasta pick ups and pirate booty and apple sauce.

She is beginning to play pretend with her playhouse out back and loves the slide. She also likes to play with the kitchen in the play room and the princess castle with the Disney little people.

We have started time outs, and her attitude is in full swing with tantrums. She is still very good with going to bed and will ask to be put in her bed after being rocked and sung to for a few minutes. She switches stuffed toys as her favorite. Mostly its her FAO Swartz bear she got last year.

Its really neat to see how she's growing mentally and physically. She is defiantly not a baby anymore!!!

Lily's 2nd Birthday

We had Lily's Butterfly Themed Birthday at a petting zoo this year.
I made the cake and cupcakes :)

The butterfly's were edible and made out of rice paper! I found them on Etsy, they were so awesome

                                                  My mom and I put together the favors

 First we went on a hayride (The cousins looking for the faces on the trees)

 Then we went to the zoo area where they got to feed the Goats...
                                                                     And sheep
 Then Lily's "Boyfriend" Owen from school showed up. It was amazing how they both LIT up when they saw each other. they were SO excited.

 They also got pony rides but Kenn has those pictures on his camera...

 Everyone got hand or face painting. Lily doesn't look very excited about it here.
 Then as soon as is it was finished she had to show everyone!

Lily's Birthday gift from Kenn and I


Potty Training

June 24th Lily went on the potty for the first time! She has been sitting on it for a little while from daycare but this was the first time she did anything. As of today (7/28) she verbalizes it 25-50% of the time when she goes in her diaper, although has not repeated going on the potty. Still leaps and bounds above Brandon at that age! She just started pull ups so we will see if this helps at daycare.

June 2014

This year was Brandon's first year in Kid Pitch and he really did a good job for being the youngest.
(Most kids are 8yrs old and played 2 years of coach pitch while
Brandon only played one)
They played 3x a week and his team made it all the way to the semi finals where they placed second.
He was not upset at all and we are so proud of him!
Kenn also helped Asst. coach the team and did the bulk of the work taking him to games
 Brandon's school does a field day picnic at the end of the year for each grade so I took off work and helped chaperone his group. It was about a million degrees out but the kids had a ball. (literally and figuratively)
 Brandon volunteered to be the person who held the bucket while the teammates scooped water with their hands and then placed it into the bucket. the first bucket that filled up won. His team won and he was drenched but I don't think he minded at all!

 Last day of First Grade!!!
His report card came in this summer and he got all A's
(except a B in art)
He did fantastic and we can't wait to see what he accomplishes in Second grade!

Mike & Mary's Wedding

We had another big wedding this year!
My cousin Mike and his beautiful new wife Mary!
Connor was my date during the ceremony

They put on a beautiful wedding and you could really see the love in all the details!
(I loved her bouquet and the Maryland style favors!)

May 2014

Brandon had his little league day at the ball park, he got to walk around the field and hit hands with the real players. Kenn was not able to get great pictures so this is all we have (#5)
 We took the kids to see the spring blooms at Longwood. Again these are my pictures, Kenn has better ones on his camera


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