
Monday, July 28, 2014

June 2014

This year was Brandon's first year in Kid Pitch and he really did a good job for being the youngest.
(Most kids are 8yrs old and played 2 years of coach pitch while
Brandon only played one)
They played 3x a week and his team made it all the way to the semi finals where they placed second.
He was not upset at all and we are so proud of him!
Kenn also helped Asst. coach the team and did the bulk of the work taking him to games
 Brandon's school does a field day picnic at the end of the year for each grade so I took off work and helped chaperone his group. It was about a million degrees out but the kids had a ball. (literally and figuratively)
 Brandon volunteered to be the person who held the bucket while the teammates scooped water with their hands and then placed it into the bucket. the first bucket that filled up won. His team won and he was drenched but I don't think he minded at all!

 Last day of First Grade!!!
His report card came in this summer and he got all A's
(except a B in art)
He did fantastic and we can't wait to see what he accomplishes in Second grade!

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