
Sunday, June 7, 2009

April Pictures- DC ZOO

So I FINALLY got kenn to give me the pictures from April! So here they are... although i promised kenn that i would let everyone know none of these pictures have been edited by kenn yet.( so they are not up to kenns standards) But i've just been dying to get them!

First is the pictures from the DC Zoo

Brandon with the Panda Statue (mommy's favorites are the pandas)
The snowball that he HAD to have, and then didn't want to eat b/c it was too cold.

B and I at the children's playground (It's a big pizza and he's on top of a tomato)

Sliding down the cheese wedge!

In the Olive, it was a pretty cool playground

We went to the zoo with our friends Jason & Erin. Jason works in the office with kenn (almost a year now i think) and they've become very very close and Erin and I hit it off pretty darn quickly. (we both love Disney and historical things oh and john and kate plus 8 discussions haha)
So we've been hanging out with them more and more, and they are quickly becoming our new BFF's haha.
These are just 2 pictures that I liked...

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