
Monday, June 22, 2009

Aquarium Trip, May

Last month we went to the Balt. Aquarium as a very late birthday gift to Aunt Gail. Back in Dec we gave her tickets to go with B to the aquarium, and she never cashed them in. So since we knew she was going to be having surgery soon we hurried up to use the tickets

B with the bubbles
With the picture wall he went down it naming everything on there
He would point out the striped fish

*My favorite part*

Brandon loved the little tortoiseB, Gail and I at the dolphin show

The AMAZING jellyfish section

This is brandon "eating" the jellyfish above. (jelly comes from a jelly fish of course!)

I just love the kid's face in the background. Oh and b's looking at a jellyfish too
Daddy & B looking at the fountain outside (the statues are dolphins)Looking at the duck!Us leaving the aquarium, taken seconds before b sneezed in my hair.

B and daddy inside the parking garage, where brandon would duck and squeeze his eyes so he wouldn't hit his head on the low parts. it was adorable.

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