
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lily 2 Months (aug 2012)

 Lily loves to talk to Kenn... not me, just Kenn
He sits there and can have "full conversations" with her.
 Lily finally got to meet her Great Grandmother "Granny"
 and Great Grandmother "MomMom"
 there's that Daddy thing again...
 Taken on her 2 month Birthday 9/3/2012

At 2 months (9/10) Lily was 23 3/4" tall (90th percentile) and weighed 9lbs 14oz (25th percentile)
her head is 39.5cm (75% percentile)
both weight and head are same percentile as her 1 month appt, and her height increased.
She wears 0-3 month clothing, size 1 diapers an started to drink formula 2x a day at daycare.
The first 2 weeks at daycare she did not sleep very well, after that she's been great!
 (up an hour and sleeps and hour)
Lily loves bathtime now and its my special time with her in the evening before bed.
At 6 weeks she slept through the night for the first time.
At 8 weeks she slept EVERY night through the night from then on
(8pm to 6am)

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