Lily and Brandon are the perfect siblings!
He really is taking on being a big brother.
He will talk to her and try to calm her down when she cries
he has "saved her life" when she was wiggling out of her bouncy chair.
He helps get us things for her and is pretty patient overall :)
Lily also has a new habit below... It has to be THOSE two fingers also..
She's also noticing she has feet and moves her hands to bat at things a little now
Bathtime is still very fun, we have hooked up things to hit on there also
while getting dressed afterwards she still cries...
She does roll over both back to belly and belly to back.
(although mostly back to belly)
she likes to do this at night so then her hands get stuck under her stomach and she cries
and i have to go flip her back at 1am...
Otherwise she's still sleeping great, actually goes down earlier now between 7 and 7:30pm.
She is talking more and more, still mostly to Daddy.
She drinks 6- 4oz bottles a day. at 3 months this week she is now completely on formula.
She is just about to move up into 3-6month clothing, and maybe even stage 2 diapers.
She follows you (or an object) really well with her eyes, and has become more animated at daycare.
The three of us are completely smitten with this little lady
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