Kenn did a great job doing our Christmas card pictures as always
(BTW I made the box in case you were impressed)
My parents Golf Club had the annual brunch with Santa last weekend.
Normally Brandon is not very excited by anyone dressed up.
He refused to see the Easter Bunny at all last year.
When I told him we would be seeing Santa he told me he didn't want to.
I told him Lily hadn't gotten to meet him yet, he assured me she would cry.
But he knew he had no choice. Plus the one at the club gives gifts...
We got in line and my Dad kept him busy and he didn't seem worried at all.
When it came time to meet him he wasn't frightened at all!
Lily on the other hand had already sat through Church without a nap.
While in line she got very fussy and then completely passed out
I even tried to wake her up right before we met him, nope she was out cold.
Santa asked him what he wanted. He said "walkie talkies and where's my water game"
Santa asked if he had been a good boy this year.
Brandon stopped, and started to look back at us.
It was hilarious. We assured him he could say yes.
After Brandon told me secretly that Santa was his best friend.
He got a book about 2 boys playing baseball and it came with a talking ball.
He liked it, the ball frankly scares me. (the voice)
He also got to make the annual gingerbread cookie
that he gets excited about, makes, eats and then remembers he doesn't like it.
The Tree and stockings are up, all we need are the outside lights (should be this weekend)
and the Chisholm family is ready for Christmas!