
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Oct 2012

Brandon finished up his Soccer Season.
Once again we are so proud of his attitude and sportsmanship this year.
Although he still needs to work on the falling thing.
His coach assured us he will grow out of it.
That or he will become a comedy prank fall person.
(just my opinion)

 scoring a goal
 His victory sign for his second goal that game

 he kept up with the team in running,
 and went after the ball consistently.
We are so proud of him!
The first weekend of Oct we went to the farm to get our pumpkins
We had another family go with us this year and the boys had a blast.
Kenn of course took most of the pictures so they will never see the light of day on here.
It was unseasonably warm hence the short sleeves.
 Our Pumpkins
 Brandon and Brady being Silly
 Lily slept through most of it.
It uploaded sideways and i'm feeling too lazy to fix it.
The following weekend we went with Grandmom to the Balt Zoo for Lily's first trip
 This is seriously the closest I've EVER seen the Lion come to the glass.
It was crazy.
 I love this picture of them.

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