
Thursday, April 11, 2013

9 Months!

I feel like Lily is such a big girl now!
Last week she turned 9 Months.
Its hard to believe i'm starting to plan her 1st Birthday Party already!

on 4/4/13 she had her Dr appt and so I have her updated Stats!
Lily is now 28.5" long (75%)
she weighs 18.06lbs (50%)
and her head is 46cm (75%)

She is wearing 12 month clothing now.
With all the crazy warm weather I needed to go out and get her shorts!
She is still in size 3 diapers and has 5 bottles a day.
(although the amount per bottle is quickly diminishing) 
she eats her baby-food 3x a day and i have added a 4th time for yogurt. 
she LOVES puffs and the Gerber cookies and the "cheese curls and wagon wheels"

She loves to play with all her toys, its starting to feel like a daycare in my living room. 
She says "dadada" and "mamama" now. 
She pulls up on everything and is starting to take steps when you hold her hands. 
Lily also now has 6 teeth! and she knows how to use them!

anytime my camera is out she gets right up in my face
 Brandon "photo-bombing" her sisters picture
 She also likes to sit on her knees a lot. 
 She is now able to reach the end tables
(i love the look of "what?! i'm not allowed to play with my brothers Wii"?)

 She still adores bath time, i need to sign her up for a mommy and me swim class.
the other day in the tub (which the pic below is from)
i decided to add some more hot water b/c the water was getting cold.
at first she had her feet in it as she sat in the tub. 
she quickly moved closer and put her legs in,
then her back and then her head.
she thought the warm water was the best and kept smiling with her head getting drenched.
it was so adorable!

I'm not sure if i have gone over her routine or not recently
she wakes up around 7am, plays in her crib until 7:30am.
I get her out and feed her food and puffs then she drinks part of a 4oz bottle.
at 9ish she takes a nap and sleeps until 10:30am
I feed her baby yogurt and she drinks part of a 6oz bottle.
at 11:45/12 she eats her babyfood and snack lunch
she goes back down for nap around 1pm
around 2:30pm she wakes up and at 3pm she gets a 6-8oz bottle.
4:30pm she gets dinner and drinks part of a 4oz bottle.
around 6-6:30pm she gets a bath, brushes her teeth
drinks a 9oz bottle, and we read a book.
She LOVES the touch and feel ones.
(this may be why she chases after Holden and tries to pull his hair out)

I'm not sure if I've mentioned or not... everyone loves rocking a baby to sleep and snuggling.
well lily is NOT one of those babies. after her bottle she does not want to be rocked or held.

so i put her in her crib, we trade smiles and she is off to sleep by 7pm. 
she is not one for being sung/rocked to sleep. 
Hopefully when she gets older she will. I miss those times like i had with Brandon. 
 this is her trying to get into her books while i'm doing the pictures.
too big i'm telling you!

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