
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Brandon's Opening day

Brandon used to be a big football fan. 
Well last spring that ended. 
He is now a HUGE baseball fan.
And it wasn't because the O's actually did well last year.
He was really into it the whole season and couldn't wait until he could play. 
He started practice 2 weeks ago and today they had their official opening day parade and game.

It was also extra exciting because Kenn and I made the banner :)
Kenn drew (freehand) the center image while i hot glued and felted
until I had a blister....
So I was thrilled to see Brandon got to help carry it. 

Ready to Play his First game!
 We also found out that his neighborhood best friend was on his team.
They had the whole bench, but they decided to sit this close to each other.
it was kind of adorable. 

Brandon had 3 times up at bat and hit a base hit for all 3!
We were so proud!
(kenn took of of these amazing pictures on my little camera)

He looks so tiny with that big helmet!
 but then here he looks like a teenager

This is him actually hitting the ball

This would be my genetics at work...
(chewing on his glove)

 But seriously for the most part he played great and payed attention
as you see below catching the ground ball

They aren't allowed to keep score, but what group of kids isn't? 
We won :)

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